Project Facts

30/05/2005 03/06/2005
Payment Mechanisms / Support

INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Research - Argentina) & UNSa (Nationa University of Salta, Argentina)

Latin America

Mariana Quiroga

Case overview/description

Main Challenges
Ecosystem health, Pasture degradation, Sustainable grassland management
Starting point/ Challenges

This study aimed to evaluate the ecological and  socio-economic  sustainability of the agro-pastoralists in arid high mountain, and discuss the claim that Puna is at risk of desertification through overgrazing caused by the use of natural grassland.

Purpose/ Objectives addressed, Results expected

We have characterized the pastoral practice of peasants in the Puna of Jujuy, as a result of historical and social processes, and we have explored the effect of the disturbance caused by grazing on the structure and function of native vegetation. The results show that pastoral agroecosystems of the Puna have been formed along an economic history marked by the exaction of labor from the community and socio-political changes that generate the gradual abandonment of old techniques of utilization of the space-temporary heterogeneity of landscape. The inter-community and social web maintain its role as a buffer on the impact of economic downturns, but there is a gradual abandonment of pastoral “puestos”, a reduction of herds and an increase of family income relative to extrapredial activities and transfers from the state. The vegetation shows no structural or functional changes in response to different forms of grazing pressure. We discussed a model of States and Transitions to find significance of possible risk of threats to ecosystem resilience and resistance. It is based here that pastoral practices Suripujio manage spatiotemporal variability of native vegetation in a sustainably way.

Type of Case
Agroecological zone
Semi-arid (75 < x < 180 LGP)
Land area size (km2)
87,000 km2;
Number of people
42,541 habitantes
Land ownership
Ownership comments

The main land owner is the provincial state, or collective (aboriginal communities) land. There is the National Constitution (Tha Main Law of the Argentine State) that recognizes the pre-existence of aboriginal people, so, there are many steps to demonstrate the ownership and then, aboriginal communities should be recognized as land owner. The burocracie makes it very difficult, but it works.

Livestock system
Livestock Type
Cattle, Donkey, Goats, Lamas/Alpacas, Sheep
Comment livestock systems

Flocks of minor ruminants (sheeps and goats) with daily vigilance by a woman shepherd (average 300 - 500); camelidae (llamas)  that are supervised every 3 o 4 days (50-150); many cows (4-10), donkeys (4-6).

Operating environment

Auto consumation, local markets of meat, wool and cheese.

Comment Operating Environment

There are some products that could be good saled in touristic centers near the main roads. Scarce pulbic policies for these kind of producers.

Participants in the case/project

Suripujio community, 110 people.

Methods / Approaches applied to reach objectives

Etnography and applied ecology

Outcome/ Beneficiaries/ Issues

Sustainability regarding economic issues

puting in value the healthy and natural products (meat, fiber, milk)

Sustainability regarding social issues

Puting in value the role of traditional shepherds, their ancient knowledges, improving self-esteem.

Sustainability regarding ecological issues

Discussing the idea that de pastoralists are the responsible of desertification proceses

Knowledge Exchange

it was made a contribution directed to improve the comprehension of the techniques and knowledges to cope with the altitude deserts of Latinamerica.

Key Conflicts / Problems

The main problem are: the scarce water, the precarious land tenure; the absecnce of specific public policies; the unformal markets.

Lessons learnt

There are a lot of resasons that could explain why the things are done as they  are done. We have to undestrand better, and then build in a participative way, the new proposals (to have more water, more grass or forrage, slaughteries, etc.)

Research Gaps

Technical proposal to cope with the plurianual droughts. It would be necessary to request ancient technical solutions and new techincal proposals, to build up new participatory ones.


desertification; ancient knowledges

Source of information
2015 QUIROGA MENDIOLA, Mariana Pastores de la Puna: manejo sustentable de pastizales naturales en las tierras altas de Jujuy, Argentina. PP: 159-178. En: Martínez Carretero, E. (Compilador): Restauración ecológica en la diagonal árida de la Argentina 2-1r