Livestock Plays a Key Role in Mongolia’s Food Security

First Asian government joins the Global Agenda

The Government of Mongolia recently signed the Consensus Document, which marks the first official recognition by an Asian government. As Eran Raizeman of the FAO Animal Health Branch noted, livestock is critical for Mongolia’s food security. The sector there is of substantial size and faces a number of challenges. Therefore, the country is looking forward to exchange with other Global Agenda members on building up the strength of the livestock sector in Mongolia.

The Swiss Ambassador Francois Pythoud, who is also Chair of the FAO Committee on Agriculture (COAG), emphasized his country’s vision on multi-stakeholder partnerships as effective means to promote sustainable development. A strong involvement of the public sector, which the joining of Mongolia underlined, is important for a well-functioning Global Agenda.

The Ambassador of Mongolia in Italy, Tserendorj Jambaldorj, stated that his government was developing a Mongolian Agenda for Sustainable Livestock in an effort to implement Global Agenda principles and technical approaches adapted to the specific conditions in his country. The Mongolian Agenda is expected to serve as a model for the Asian continent and will enjoy the technical support of the Global Agenda in its initial phase.

The Consensus Document was signed on 24 February 2017 by Ambassador Jambaldorj,  witnessed by Ambassador Pythoud, Global Agenda Chair Fritz Schneider, FAO Director of Animal Production and Health Division Berhe Tekola, as well as other Global Agenda Guiding Group Members, Permanent Representatives to FAO Rome and observers.

The Government of Mongolia is the 17th government and 83rd member joining the partnership.